Does a God Exist?
When one is a child they try to believe whatever they are taught is true. Then, one day they realize that not everyone agrees on what is true. Not everyone agrees if there is a god and if so, who is the real God or gods. I remember pondering the first questions: Is God real? Is there a god? Does a god exist?
At about eight years old, I understood that the only alternative to a planned creation of all things was an accidental one. If creation was intelligently planned and orderly, then obviously some god created it. Humans nor even aliens, (if they existed), could not create themselves. Yet all creations in this reality seem very orderly and intelligently planned. The only things that we blame on accidents or chaos are the things we don't yet understand. One of many modern examples is "junk DNA" taught by former scientists to be usless, chaotic junk because they didn't understand it. Now, the latest, greatest, discoveries in human design and health are now being found by understanding pieces of "junk DNA." I would call this the "gold rush" DNA. As a child I wanted to leave no stone unturned so I thought; If we ignore mountains of evidence for intelligent design, is accidental creation possible?
I remember sitting outside on the grass. I thought, could one blade of grass exist by accident? It needs the perfect amount of water to exist; the perfect amount of sunlight; the perfect range of temperatures; the perfectly planned and orderly conditions to be alive. Then I looked at how many blades of grass there were around me and couldn't even imagine how many existed worldwide; all with their own needs for life. Then I thought of each plant I knew of in my world that all had different requirements for life. Then I looked at the trees, the insects, the animals, and people. Change any one thing, the water, the sun, and they die. Could this all be a perfect orderly creation by accident? I realized even at eight years old this would require either a special kind of stupid or serious denial to accept. To believe this world and entire universe of order was an accident would require one to be desperately delusional or mentally blind/ignorant to the evidence. One would have to be unaware of the world around them and live in one they or others created for them to believe. It was then that I started to notice character traits in people who believed there was no god. They live in denial and delusions in nearly every aspect of their lives.They are not independant thinkers; and don't want to be responsible for a moral code. Their concepts of right or wrong, lies, deceipt, and twisted truths, are conditionally based on what they want for themselves. I saw clearly that I certainly should not believe nor follow these kinds of self-deceiving, destructive people in my search for truth.
I was just a child, so I started to consider the ideas of all of the greatest minds in history to consider their thoughts. I quickly discoverd that not only did they believe in a creation by an intelligent God, but this belief motivated them to discover the beauty, harmony, and order of creation, and to devote their lives to undersanding these perfect structures in the only real God's creations. They wanted to understand life and God by understanding and exploring His works. We will explore the thoughts of great men like Da Vinci, Tesla, Newton, and Einstein on the real God in other studies. For now, understand the real God exists; He created all dimensions, our universe, our world, and you.
What's Next?
Who is the Real God?COMING SOON:
>- Life After Death
- Emotional & Intuitive: Inner Testimonial
- Scientific Proofs
- Follow the Greatest Minds in History
- Historical Facts & Evidence
- Prophetic Proofs
- Logical Proofs & Evidence
- Amazing Data & Factual Evidence
- Archaeological Evidence
- Biblical Accuracy
- Literary Evidence
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Life After Death
True Love
Bible Basics
What is true love?
How to pray?
Praise to release power?
Learn about the Bible.